Day 195 – 05/19/11 – Spent Wishes

I try not to be derivative with my images, preferring to come up with fresh subjects.  But every once in awhile there comes a subject that everybody seems to be working with, usually because it’s just too good not to work with.

Over the last few weeks that subject has been dandelions and dandelion seeds.  There have been a ton of great images by fellow bloggers, from David Williams to Karli over at the Bonnie 5 to Sasi at My3rdi.  If I missed any, I apologize.

As I’ve watched these images sprout up like the very weeds the contain, I knew I was going to make one too.  I just needed to get a day where the rain stopped long enough to get out and grab a dandelion!  I finally got my chance this evening.  I hope I managed to put my own spin on the subject.

A few wishes yet remain on the head of this dandelion.

A few wishes yet remain on the head of this dandelion.

Edit: I knew I was missing one, I missed Bonnie’s, I just didn’t scroll back far enough on her blog.  Ironic too, as her’s also references the wish factor of dandelions!

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11 Responses to Day 195 – 05/19/11 – Spent Wishes

  1. Love the macro shot Jim and thanx for the mention! 🙂 I have always found macro shots of dandelions to be so interesting.

  2. Duoae says:

    Amazing shot! Really, really great!

  3. bonniegunkel says:

    Well…I will forgive you for leaving me out. 🙂 I was actually inspired to take mine after seeing Sasi’s. Now I’m going to check out the other two you mentioned! Yours is FABULOUS!

  4. Barbara says:

    Amazing detail.

  5. I love this!! Dandelions are really so, so inspiring! My dandelion was inspired by Bonnie’s and probably that entire list too. I love the detail you have on this!

  6. schleefy says:

    Awesome shot…the details are amazing….I was playing with the idea to take a photo of a dandelions as well but I don’t kn0w….we’ll see……

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